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Las preposiciones!

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Las Preposiciones - Spanish Prepositions Prepositions are the little words placed in front of nouns in order to indicate a relationship between that noun and the verb, adjective, or noun that follows.This is an introduction to some of the most common Spanish prepositions. In upcoming lessons, we'll look at these prepositions in more detail. 


to, at


Voy a Madrid.

I'm going to Madrid.


Esta en la playa.

He's at the beach.


connects a verb of motion + infinitive


Voy a comer.

I'm going to eat.


Ana viene a ayudar.

Ana is coming to help.


joins any verb (except tener*) + a person


Veo a la chica.

I see the girl.


Quiere a los ninos.

He loves kids.



Buscas a Pablo?

Are you looking for Pablo?


Tengo dos hermanos.

I have two brothers.






Voy con Carlos.

I'm going with Carlos.

chile con carne

chili with meat





from, of, about


Es de Paris.

He is from Paris.


el vaso de leche

glass of milk


el libro de poesi­a

book of poetry


la historia de amor 

story about love


descriptively links two nouns


la clase de espanol

Spanish class


el palo de cocina

dishcloth, teacloth


el libro de historia

history book


expresses possession - see lesson


el libro de Juan

Juan's book


in, on  

Estoy en la clase.

I'm in the class.

Vamos en 10 minutos.

We're going in 10 minutes.

El libro en la mesa

The book on the table






Leo sin gafas.

I read without glasses.

Quiero un libro sin fotos.

I want a book without pictures.

 1 Page/s: 1

Prepositions by Miguel


a/to, toward
ante/before; in the presence of
bajo/beneath, under
contra/against; in exchange for
de/of; from; about
desde/from, since
en/in, inside, within
hacia/towards, at, by, up to
hasta/towards, at, by, up to
para/for, to, in order to, toward
por/for; by
segun/according to
so/below, under, beneath
sobre/over, above; about
tras/behind, after

The prepositions a and de use contracted forms with the masculine article el: al and del.
Verb + preposition before an infinitive.

Quiero jugar./I want to eat.
Ella va a traer la silla./She is going to bring the chair.

Normally in Spanish are used this forms:

Ir + a (to go to)
Venir + de (to come from)
Estar + en (to be in)

The infinitive after prepositions:

Spanish always uses an infinitive after a preposition (present participle in English -ing).
Antes de jugar, Juan termina los deberes./Before playing Juan finished the homework.

The pronouns as objects of prepositions:

de mi/of me; de ti/of you (fam.)...
The pronouns used as objects of prepositions are the same as the subject pronouns, except for mi and ti.

Exceptionally, if the preposition is con, is used:

Antonia viene conmigo a la fiesta./Antonia comes with me to the party.

The reflexive pronouns used as objects of prepositions are the same as the pronoun objects of prepositions, except for the third person singular and plural, de si.

Ellos quieren el coche para si­./They want the car for themselves.



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